Philosophy and Overview

My work supports individuals, couples, families and small businesses that are seeking to unlock their ability to access the best they and others have to offer. Our work together will connect you with the resources we are all born with as humans that build self esteem and therefore strengthen relationships. My work is based on the work of the late Dr. Virginia Satir (recognized in 2007 by the Psychotherapy Networker as the fifth most influential therapist of the pastquarter-century.) Based on her model, I believe that the level of one’s self esteem directly affects not only how we feel about ourselves but how we communicate with others. I value the warmth and empathetic response Virginia exuded in her work. My work reflects these values in creating an experience of change within the therapy session. Our work together will help bring into awareness and transform old and familiar patterns of communication that are defensiverather than connecting.

In our culture, we get messages that we must be able to be independent, yet we all need to experience a secure bond with another. This bond provides us a safe haven where we can find comfort and support and a secure base to go out into the world. This is a universal yearning that is wired into to us as humans. To be connected is to be stronger and more resilient without feeling immature or weak or too needy. A secure sense of being loved is empowering. When someone has our back we canexplore new possibilities, use our courage to ask for what we want and need and deepen our compassion for our self and others. Together, we can find the secure bond, fun, love, and caring that has been masked by conflicts and lost in the distance.

Service specialization includes:

  • Individual, Couples, Family Therapy: easier more effective ways in handling conflict, changes, and transitions in family structure, improving communication, and strengthening relationships between parents and children.
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy
  • Medical Family Therapy and Collaborative Care with Physicians
  • Facilitation for Couples, Families, and Children Around Separation and Divorce Issues.
  • Grief Counseling
  • Young Adults: Tools for developing healthy peer relationships, support during the transition to college, and strategies for dealing with stress.
  • Support Groups: Chronic illness, Grief, Caregiver and End of Life Issues
  • Supporting Families in Multicultural Contexts
  • Supporting relationships in the context of family owned and small businesses. Creating effective ways to deal with transition.
    Stress management
  • Coping with work and career issues